Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm all for supporting the local no-name artists...

yeah, i'm down to buy your CD if you're a local no-name artist. How else can Hip Hop progress? As a DJ, i'm always looking for HOT music to share, but there's a lot of corny dudes out there rappin about the same stuff. it's like they follow the really basic money + sex + big rims + escalade = "banger" formula. well just in case you're wondering, it doesn't work out like that. next time you run into someone tryna slang you a CD on the street, don't ignore them, but ask them questions. "what's your message?" "what's your definition of hip hop?" "when and HOW did you fall in love with hip hop?" "who are your influences?" find out about the dude's background and knowledge. after all, it is your hard earned money he's tryna hustle you out of and you're trying to make a well informed decision, right? if the so called artist doesn't give you legit answers, take the time to educate a brother. he may not really have an intimate relationship w/ hip hop. if you don't got time to explain hip hop in detail to the guy, just tell them you don't agree on their position of hip hop for X, Y, and Z; and therefore don't want to buy their music. Just please...don't ignore these cats. i think the more we ignore them, the more whack music gets put out!

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Hump Day, fam!

now do the dance!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

SPEESHBEATS.COM and ELYTE performing at the Chino Hills Shoppes today

Speeshbeats will be representing Hi-Tek FX today at the Chino Hills Shoppes around 5PM this afternoon. 

Monday, May 4, 2009


May 5th, 2009 @ Store 13

6PM to 10PM

Also, the return of THE TACO GUY!!! $1 tacos FTW

Hope to see y'all there!

Piece y blessings


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Groove Theory was DOPE! Thank You, Everyone!

Hi-Tek FX would like to thank EVERYONE who came out to support their local DJ's tonight! There is no us without U! let's gooo!!!

Shouts to DJ Wrex for letting us hit the tables!

Shouts to Ab-loon, Adam & JurJur for comin through. Shouts to all the peeps we met last night. ya'll are dope....i need to sleeeeeeep. gooood night!


All the pics can be seen here. I'll think of a way how to share photos in a cleaner fashion a little later. hahaha